Allurion Stomach Balloon

The Allurion program is an innovative program centered around a gastric balloon and digital tools for weight reduction. Groruddalsklinikken is the first clinic in Eastern Norway to offer this new treatment.

The Allurion balloon fills up your stomach so you’re less hungry – making it easier to eat better, eat less and create healthy habits that last.

The balloon only lasts a few months, but the result can last a lifetime

Month 1
Training in a healthy lifestyle

In this phase you will meet the team, begin training in nutrition and exercise. As well as finding out how to get the most out of the Allurion program provided by Groruddalsklinikken.

Month 2-5
Weight loss with the Allurion program

In this phase, the Allurion balloon will be placed during a simple outpatient procedure. This means that it will not require any surgical intervention, endoscopy or anesthesia.

Here you will receive more training on diet and a healthy lifestyle.

You will find support in your Allurion connected scale, Health Tracker Watch activity bracelet and mobile app to monitor your progress. It will enable you to share your success with the doctor in real time. You will receive direct feedback from your doctor.

After approximately 16 weeks, the balloon will deflate and come out naturally without any medical intervention.*

Month 6 and thereafter
Lose weight and keep it off

A temporary balloon does not mean a temporary weight loss. With the Allurion program delivered by Groruddalsklinikken, up to 95% of the average weight loss is maintained at 1 year of follow-up.**

With the support of the health team, you can continue with your new diet and exercise habits to maintain better health and a healthy weight.

Get a kick start on the road to weight loss

The Allurion program is a comprehensive and supported program for a healthy lifestyle, centered around a gastric balloon and digital tools for weight reduction.

Understand how gastric balloons works

Gastric balloons are in widespread use and provide more significant and sustained weight loss than diet and exercise alone.

Gastric balloons take up space in the stomach, which increases the feeling of satiety and reduces the speed at which food passes. This gives you the opportunity to take a “holiday from hunger”, choose healthier food, and avoid the cravings that often accompany a normal diet.

Transform your waistline with a healthier lifestyle

The Allurion balloon is a new method of weight loss. It does not require surgery, endoscopy* or anesthesia.

The balloon is swallowed during a 15-minute outpatient procedure. About 16 weeks later, the air deflates and comes out naturally.* It’s a convenient and safe way to kick-start a healthier lifestyle.

On average, patients lose 10–15% of
body weight thanks to the Allurion program. 1

Start your weight loss today with Allurion- the program

It’s based on the Allurion balloon, which fills up your stomach and reduces your appetite while teaching you healthy, new eating habits. It is supported by the Allurion App, a connected scale and an Allurion Health Tracker activity bracelet to keep you motivated and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

It is for adults over 18 who are overweight or suffering from obesity, defined as a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 27.

The support you need to succeed

With the Allurion program, you get access to a team of healthcare professionals who can help you make new lifestyle changes.

Use the Allurion connected scale, Health Tracker activity bracelet and mobile app to stay motivated and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Share your progress with your doctor, family and friends.

Why Groruddalsklinikken?

Groruddalsklinikken’s vision is to offer high-quality health services with short waiting times.

We can offer health services both to those who do not have a referral from their GP, to those who have a referral from their GP or to those who are waiting for treatment at the hospital or waiting in the hospital queue.

If you have health insurance, you can contact your insurance company about getting treatment with us.

Groruddalsklinikken has a broad and relevant range of healthcare services with high quality and good accessibility for everyone. With us, you should always feel safe and looked after.


Groruddalsklinikken’s medical services include many specialist areas within the specialist health service, including day surgery.


Groruddalsklinikken believes that you as a patient deserve and should have quick medical attention without having to wait for several hours to receive health care.

Physical treatment

We offer a chiropractor, physiotherapist, acupuncturist and masseur at GRD. We have modern devices for pressure wave treatment and ultrasound diagnostics and follow up the patient from A to Z.

Book a consultation

Book a consultation

1. Ienca et al. Obese Surg. 2020 Apr;30, 3354–3362. 2. Ienca, Presented at TOS Obesity Week, 2020

*In rare cases, the Allurion balloon may be regurgitated at the end of the period or require endoscopic or surgical removal.

Allurion is a temporary weight loss aid for adults over 18 years of age who are overweight or obese, defined as a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 27.

The Allurion balloon can only be administered by healthcare personnel who are knowledgeable in the use of the Allurion balloon. The Allurion balloon must be used in combination with a supervised nutritional and behavioral modification program.

**Results may vary from one patient to another. A small percentage of patients do not respond to treatment. Some people may not be suitable for treatment with the Allurion balloon. Your doctor will review a detailed medical history and perform a physical exam to determine if the treatment is right for you. It is important to give the doctor a complete and accurate medical history. In some cases, the Allurion balloon may require endoscopic or other surgical procedures to remove.

This is not a complete listing of potential complications; for more safety information, see

Allurion is a registered trademark of Allurion Technologies. Groruddalsklinikken delivers the program for Eastern Norway.