
Astroscopy is a medical procedure used to examine and evaluate the condition of the stomach and esophagus. This procedure is usually performed by gastroenterologists or surgeons at specialized clinics such as Groruddalsklinikken in Norway. Gastroscopy is an important diagnostic method for detecting and treating various gastrointestinal disorders.

During a gastroscopy, a flexible instrument called a gastroscope is used, which is a thin, flexible tube with a light and a video camera on the tip. The gastroscope is carefully guided through the mouth and down the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. This gives the doctor the opportunity to inspect the mucous membranes of these organs and identify any abnormal findings.

Before a gastroscopy, the patient is usually asked to fast for several hours to ensure that the stomach is empty during the procedure. This is important to give the doctor a clear view of the organs without food or liquid that can interfere with the field of vision. The patient will also be sedated or given sedatives to minimize discomfort during the procedure.

Gastroscopy can be used to diagnose and treat a variety of conditions. Some of the most common indications for gastroscopy include:

1. Stomach and duodenal ulcers: Gastroscopy can help identify ulcers in the stomach and duodenum. This is important to treat and prevent complications such as bleeding or perforation.

2. Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD): Gastroscopy can reveal the condition of the esophagus and stomach opening, and identify any signs of GERD. This can help the doctor develop a treatment plan to relieve symptoms and prevent damage to the esophagus.

3. Cancer of the stomach or oesophagus: Gastroscopy can be used to detect early signs of cancer of the stomach or oesophagus. Early diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment and a better prognosis.

During the gastroscopy, the doctor can also take tissue samples (biopsies) from the mucous membranes for further analysis. This can help confirm the diagnosis and guide treatment.

After the gastroscopy, the patient may experience some mild side effects such as heartburn, bloating or a sore throat. These symptoms are usually temporary and disappear within a short time. The patient will be informed of any special instructions or restrictions after the procedure.

Groruddalsklinikken is a recognized clinic in Norway that offers gastroscopy and other high-quality gastroenterological services. The clinic has experienced gastroenterologists and modern equipment that ensures accurate diagnoses and effective treatment. Patients can rest assured that they will be well taken care of during the entire process.

Why Groruddalsklinikken?

Groruddalsklinikken’s vision is to offer high-quality health services with short waiting times.

We can offer health services both to those who do not have a referral from their GP, to those who have a referral from their GP or to those who are waiting for treatment at the hospital or waiting in the hospital queue.

If you have health insurance, you can contact your insurance company about getting treatment with us.

Groruddalsklinikken has a broad and relevant range of healthcare services with high quality and good accessibility for everyone. With us, you should always feel safe and looked after.


Groruddalsklinikken’s medical services include many specialist areas within the specialist health service, including day surgery.


Groruddalsklinikken believes that you as a patient deserve and should have quick medical attention without having to wait for several hours to receive health care.

Physical treatment

We offer a chiropractor, physiotherapist, acupuncturist and masseur at GRD. We have modern devices for pressure wave treatment and ultrasound diagnostics and follow up the patient from A to Z.

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