Health insurance

Health insurance, also called treatment insurance, has become more and more common in recent years. It is estimated that approximately 600,000 Norwegians have this type of insurance. More and more companies choose to take out health insurance for their employees. This benefits both the employees and the company. Companies buy insurance for various reasons. The most common are to reduce sickness absence and to have employment benefits during recruitment, but the most important is probably that tailored health insurance has increasingly become an element of companies’ HR efforts.

The insurance ensures rapid examination and treatment in the event of illness or injury.

The health insurance covers examination and treatment by a medical specialist, surgery, chiropractor or physiotherapist. It also covers diagnostic imaging (MRI, X-ray CT and ultrasound) if this is necessary.

Groruddalsklinikken has a good collaboration with all the major players who supply this type of insurance.

You can therefore use your health insurance at Groruddalsklinikken. This means that you, as a patient, will get an examination and the right treatment quickly.

If you have health insurance, you get a guarantee of receiving prompt medical treatment. The insurance guarantees you assessment or treatment within an agreed number of working days, depending on the company you choose. The treatment guarantee applies from the day you report the damage.

Rapid assessment and surgery

Groruddalsklinikken prioritizes patients with health insurance and guarantees rapid assessment and possible treatment by a specialist within a short time. If you have health insurance through your job or private health insurance, you can contact your insurance company and ask for an assessment and possible surgery with us, we will be happy to help you.

Insurance company we work with